Embracing Every Body: A Guide to Inclusive Massage Experiences

All bodies are accepted here! You may have encountered a person or media that othered you and the way you divinely show up in this world. We're here to tell you that at Auroraflow, all bodies are welcome, and we strive to make everyone as emotionally and physically comfortable as possible. We serve the people, and the people show up in many ways. In this article, as it is part of our mission, we want to provide an extra layer of transparency and support for plus-size people and people of various abilities who might need accommodations to feel invited and comfortable in their appointments with us. 

Our massage tables have no weight limit.

Rest assured, all our massage tables are designed to support over 2,500 pounds, ensuring the utmost safety and comfort for both our valued clients and skilled therapists. So technically, they do have a limit, but they are well equipped for clients of all sizes. 

You undress privately, and you are covered for the entire appointment.

Your comfort is our priority. We know messages out in the world tell plus-sized people to cover up, but not here. We also know that being uncovered and touched is an intimate and new experience for first-time spagoers, so we ask everyone to move at their own pace. We want to provide you with the space and knowledge you need to feel most safe. Feel free to undress to your preferred level. Whether you choose to leave your underwear on or keep your lower or upper half clothed during your massage, our massage therapists will ensure your experience is tailored to your comfort level. During some services, we provide robes or spa wraps, and we have been mindful to be inclusive of all sizes. It is encouraged throughout your service to express your preferred needs and preferences.

Your massage therapist will not see you naked; we professionally drape the body.

During your massage, only the specific area being worked on will be exposed, while the rest of your body will remain discreetly covered with a sheet—a practice known as "draping"—allowing you to fully enjoy the benefits of the massage without feeling vulnerable. 

You may need to move around or turn over, depending on what area the massage therapist is working on.

If you have difficulty changing positions, our massage therapists will assist you. If needed, you can sit up before turning over, and our therapists will ensure your privacy by holding the sheet up to block you from their view. 

Your weight is not an issue, generally and literally; there are no contraindications regarding weight.

We work to provide the necessary accommodations that make you feel comfortable. Massage therapists have the training and expertise to discern potential issues that may inhibit your experience. Our massage therapists are experienced in providing exceptional service to plus-size individuals, and there are no contraindications to receiving a massage based on your size. Some contraindications to consider for all appointments can be found below. 

We screen for contraindications, which would add caution to a service.

A contraindication is a condition that serves as a reason not to take a certain medical or service treatment due to the harm that it would cause the patient. Some contraindications can be cared for with bolsters, avoiding certain areas, etc. General contraindications that you’d want to discuss with your massage therapist or share in your intake are below. All massage therapists conduct a thorough intake with clients at the beginning of appointments behind closed doors, so everything is private. 

Contraindications to be cautious of:

  • High fever
  • Acute inflammations
  • Recent injuries, particularly bone fractures
  • Muscle and skeleton injuries
  • Recent operations
  • Open skin wounds
  • Phlebitis, varicose veins, and thrombosis (with special care)
  • Infections and auto-immune dysfunction syndrome
  • Skin diseases such as impetigo, fungi, scabies, and lice
  • Heart diseases and disorders (pacemaker, open heart surgery, strokes)
  • Either the first trimester or the late stages of pregnancy (need to be notified)
  • Contagious diseases
  • Blood clots/thrombosis
  • Liver or kidney conditions could be messaged about to gauge their severity. A massage can overwork both of those body parts if they aren't working correctly.
  • Acute systemic rheumatoid arthritis
  • Uncontrolled/unmedicated hypertension/high BP
  • Aneurysm

You can request special accommodations for free for your comfort.

Our massage tables are not the only aspect we have to make your service the most comfortable it can be. To fill in the gaps, we have support that can be added to your service for free. While booking or at your service, you can request bolsters and arm extenders. Bolsters can be placed under your knees or back to support you in various ways. They can support people with limited movement or breathing complications. Arm extenders are available as well to make the tables wider. If there are ways you’d like extra support, please ask your massage therapist or esthetician. If we can't meet your needs, then we appreciate hearing what ways we can grow to be more accommodating.

You’ll fill out an intake form so the provider knows how best to work with you.

All massages, facials, or waxing are different. As practitioners, we have a general system for how we go about providing services, but each service is not the same because people are not the same. And we celebrate that uniqueness! Our team is skilled and experienced, and we routinely tailor the massage to your body. Also, to enhance your experience, we've added options to our intake forms. You can now request accommodation or indicate if you prefer a downstairs location. We also have ramps to ensure accessibility. These additions empower you to communicate your preferences and allow us to create a space that aligns with your needs.

We have rooms upstairs, though you can request a downstairs room.

Limited mobility is real for all people and our differently-abled bodies. To show up for folks with various abilities, we do have ramps and downstairs accessible massage or esthetician rooms available. It would be preferred if you could request this in your booking so we have time to setup. If you notice in person that you will need some accommodations, feel free to let the staff know. 

We didn't come up with this alone; showing up for different people requires input from the community.

We believe in the power of community collaboration and accountability. We've worked closely with Plus Raleigh, a local social media brand dedicated to creating space for plus-sized people across the Triangle! To ensure that our practices are informed, inclusive, and respectful of every individual's needs. At Auroraflow, our commitment to inclusivity is unwavering. We want you to feel not only welcome but truly at home in our serene sanctuary. As part of our mission to serve and uplift, we've provided these insights into the accommodations available to ensure your comfort. And all that to say, let us know where we can improve. We aim to continue learning how to further our mission of inclusivity! 

For any additional questions or feedback, do not hesitate to hit up our team or call or text the front desk!